In order to better respect the time of volunteers and maintain safety and order at drop-off locations, there will be some logistical changes this year:
- Give and Go Green stations will be open 10am-7pm only. Donations outside of these hours will not be accepted.
- The drop-off station for the quad will be the 6th floor Sulz lounge. Donations left in Sulzberger lobby will not be accepted.
- Give and Go Green for the Quad will end Friday, May 13. Please arrange to donate items before this date or bring them to other stations.
- Friday, May 6
- 5pm Friday, May 13 (for the QUAD)
- 12noon Wednesday, May 18 (for other drop-off locations)
- 10am-7pm only
- Cathedral Gardens - 10th floor lounge
- 110th Street - 7L4
- Plimpton - TV lounge
- 616 - TV lounge
- Elliot - 3rd floor lounge
- Quad - 6th floor kitchen lounge (ENDS 5PM FRIDAY, MAY 13)
Please respect the time of our ROOTS volunteers and Res Life & Facilities staff by helping to spread the word about these changes. Give and Go Green is our favorite time of year, and we can't wait to work with you to keep our belongings out of landfills and in good hands!
If you have any questions, please email