Thursday, October 14, 2010

After-Hours Medical Support

We'd like to take a moment and remind you of the resources the College has to help you when you are ill (whether it's the flu, stomach pains, a cut finger, etc). To make sure that you are receiving the best care possible, we ask that all students utilize Primary Care Health Services (PCHS) when they are not feeling well. PCHS is located in the lower level of Brooks Hall, and their hours of operation are listed on their website.

When PCHS is not open (i.e. evening and weekends), please phone the Clinician-on-Call (866-966-7788). The Clinician will ask you a series of diagnostic questions in order to determine the proper care for your illness/injury.

If the clinician determines that you do need to go to the hospital, your RA or Public Safety must be contacted to help you get to the hospital via an ambulance or Public Safety vehicle. In order to help you navigate the hospital, a Residential Life & Housing staff member will either escort you or meet you at the hospital.

For more information on PCHS and the Clinician-on-Call, please visit