Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Water shut off in 600 / 616 / 620 / SUH / PLM on 12/29 & 30

The Office of Facilities Services has contracted American Pipe and Tank to clean the domestic water tanks in Altschul, Sulzberger, Plimpton, 600, 616 & 620 during the winter break (12/29 & 30). This work, which is required by City code, will involve the emptying of the building water supply and the scraping and sanitizing of the tank interior. Science lab sinks, kitchen and bathroom fixtures will not be functional during the interval that the tanks are empty. This service disruption will typically last only a few hours as indicated in the included schedule.

The work schedule is as follows:

Tuesday 12/29
12am - 3:30pm -- Altschul
7am - 11am -- Sulzberger Hall
7am - 12pm -- Plimpton

Wednesday 12/30
8am - 12pm -- 616 W 116th St
10am - 3pm -- 600 W 116th St
12pm - 4pm --  620 W 116th St

All buildings will receive a posted notice with their specific starting and completion date & time.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact Facilities Services at 854 - 2041.